Team profile

Dr Ambrogio Costanzo

“Research in organic agriculture is critical to drive the transition of all agriculture towards better sustainability.”

Job title:

No longer working at ORC

Academic qualifications:

  • PhD in Agrobiosciences

Role and responsibilities:

I was previously Head of Research for ORC, and the Crops team leader responsible for managing the Crop Diversity & Agronomy research area.

Projects worked on:

LiveWheat (1/1/2020 – 31/12/2021) – Principal Investigator 

LIVESEED EU H2020 (1st June 2017 – 31st May 2021), 

DIVERSIFOOD EU H2020 (1st January 2016 – 28th February 2019). Leader of WP2 “Participatory on-farm evaluation of underutilised crops”,

WHEALBI EU FP7 (1st January 2016, 31st December 2018),

Research interests:

An agroecology researcher dedicated to understanding and improving the performance and resilience of arable cropping systems through functional crop diversity.

I am convinced that my role should not be to “teach” farmers how to grow their crops, but to coordinate the collection and integration of evidence and knowledge to support collective decisions. To this end, I am making the most of conducting crops research in cooperation with farmers and in their fields, to foster agroecological transition.

An example of this is the LiveWheat project, where evidence of wheat competitive ability, productivity, quality and resilience to climatic variation, as a function of genetics, environment and management, is being integrated in a large dataset that aims to inform future direction of crop breeding, cropping system management and climate change adaptation.

