Dr Bruce Pearce
“I have always been interested in how to make farming more sustainable. My PhD and initial work focused on horticulture where I was extremely impressed with the level of innovation within this particular sector both conventionally and organically. It was via organic horticulture that I became interested in organics and could see that so much work was needed to improve both the sustainability and productivity of these systems. I moved to ORC (then EFRC) in 1999 as I wanted to tackle some of these challenges using science and research.”
No longer works at ORC
Academic qualifications:
- PhD: “The Control of Tomato Fruit Growth’ 1992: The University of Liverpool and Horticulture Research International, Littlehampton.
- BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences 1987. Wolverhampton Polytechnic (now The University of Wolverhampton).
Role and responsibilities:
For 20 years I was Head of Research for the ORC, responsible for the management of ORC research, knowledge exchange and policy programme.
Having retired in September 2020, I now work as an associate for ORC.
Research interests:
Crop diversification strategies, implications of GM, research priorities, participatory research methods and systems research.
Interests outside of ORC:
Food, Running, Travel, Reading.
Refereed Publications
- Padel S, Levidow L, Pearce B (2020). UK farmers’ transition pathways towards agroecological farm redesign: Evaluating explanatory models. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 44 (2), 139-163. https://doi.org/10.1080/21683565.2019.1631936
- Sacchi S, Cei L, Stefani G, Lombardi GV, Rocchi B, Belletti G, Padel S, Sellars A, Gagliardi E, Nocella G, Cardey S, Mikkola M, Ala-Karvia U, Macken-Walsh A, McIntyre B, Hyland J, Henchion M, Bocci R, Bussi R, De Santis G, Rodriguez y Hurtado I, De Kochko P, Riviere P, Carrascosa-García M, Martínez I, Pearce B, Lampkin N, Vindras C, Rey F, Chable V, Cormery A, Vasvari G. (2018). A multi-actor literature review on alternative and sustainable food systems for the promotion of cereal biodiversity. Agriculture 2018, 8(11), 173. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture8110173
- Papp R, Marinari S, Moscatelli MC, van der Heijden MGA, Wittwer R, Campiglia E, Radicetti E, Mancinelli R, Fradgley N, Pearce B, Bergkvist G, Finckh MR (2018). Short-term changes in soil biochemical properties as affected by subsidiary crop cultivation in four European pedo-climatic zones. Soil and Tillage Research 180, 126-136.
- Smith LG, Jones PJ, Kirk GJD, Pearce BD, Williams AG (2018). Modelling the production impacts of a widespread conversion to organic agriculture in England and Wales. Land Use Policy 76, 391-404.
- Fradgley NS, Creissen HE, Pearce H, Howlett SA, Pearce BD, Döring TF, Girling RD (2017). Weed suppression and tolerance in winter oats. Weed Technology 31 (5), 740-751
- Tremmel-Bede K, Mikó P, Megyeri M, Kovács G, Howlett S, Pearce B, Wolfe M, Löschenberger F, Lorentz B, Láng L, Bedő Z, Rakszegi M (2016). Stability analysis of wheat populations and mixtures based on the physical, compositional and processing properties of the seeds. Cereal Research Communications 44 (4), 694-705. http://dx.doi.org/10.1556/0806.44.2016.027
- Smith, L., Tarsitano, D., Topp, C., Jones, S., Gerrard, C., Pearce, B., Williams, A., and Watson, C. (2016). Predicting the effect of rotation design on N, P, K balances on organic farms using the NDICEA model. Journal: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems / Volume 31 / Issue 5 / October 2016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170515000381. Published online: 29 October 2015, pp. 471-484
- Clements RC, Higham LE, Smith J, Gerrard CL, Colley MC, Zaralis K, Nelder R, Pearce B, Rayner A, and Bright A (2015). Exploring the Feasibility of Using Silage-Based Feed with Alternative Sources of Protein in Organic Pig Rations. Organic Farming 1 (1), 50-56. DOI:10.12924/of2015.01010050
- Gerrard LG, Smith J, Nelder R, Bright R, Colley M, Clements R, Pearce BD. (2015). 100% Organic Poultry Feed: Can Algae Replace Soybean Expeller in Organic Broiler Diets? Organic Farming. 1(1). 38-45. DOI: 10.12924/of2015.01010038
- Smith LG, Tarsitano D, Topp CFE, Stephanie K, Jones SK, Gerrard CL, Pearce BD, Williams AG and Watson CA. (2015). Predicting the effect of rotation design on N, P, K balances on organic farms using the NDICEA model. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 1-14. DOI: 10.1017/S1742170515000381.
- Smith LG, Williams AG and Pearce BD. (2015). The energy efficiency of organic agriculture: A review. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 30(03). 280-301. DOI: 10.1017/S1742170513000471
- Smith J, Pearce BD and Wolfe MS. (2012). Reconciling productivity with protection of the environment: Is temperate agroforestry the answer? Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 28(01). 80-92. doi:10.1017/S1742170511000585
- Smith J, Pearce BD and Wolfe MS. (2012). A European perspective for developing modern multifunctional agroforestry systems for sustainable intensification. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. doi:10.1017/S1742170511000597
- Gerrard CL, Smith LG, Pearce B, Padel S, Hitchings R, Measures M, and Cooper N. (2012). Public Goods and Farming. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 1, Volume 10, Farming for Food and Water Security, Pages 1-22.
Selected Conference Papers
- Padel S, Rubenstein O, Woolford A, Egan J, Pearce B (2017). Transitions to Agroecological Systems: Farmers’ Viewpoints. Aspects of Applied Biology 136, 27-32
- Pearce B, Lampkin N, Leake A, Padel S (2017). The role of agroecology in sustainable intensification. Aspects of Applied Biology 136, 53-62
- Lampkin NH, Pearce BD, Leake AR, Creissen H, Gerrard CL, Girling R, Lloyd S, Padel S, Smith J, Smith LG, Vieweger A and Wolfe, MS (2016). The role of agroecology in sustainable intensification. SRUC-SEPA Conference XI. What Future for our Farming Systems?: Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions. Edinburgh. 1-2 March 2016.
- Smith, L.G., Williams, A.W., Goglio, P., Pearce, B.D. (2016) An evaluation of energy use within organic farming systems. University College Dublin: 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016.
- Pearce BD. (2015). Insights from the Temporary EU Marketing Experiment – and the Marketing of – Cereal Populations. COBRA conference within The Danish Organic Congress 2015 – Successes and Challenges. Vingstead, Denmark. 24-26 November 2015.
- Fradgley N, Howlett S, Wolfe MS and Pearce BD. (2015). Winter wheat variety performance in organic and conventional farming systems and the potential for organic plant breeding in the UK. COBRA conference within The Danish Organic Congress 2015 – Successes and Challenges. Vingstead, Denmark. 24-26 November 2015.
- Smith LG, Tarsitano D, Topp CFE, Jones SK, Gerrard CL, Pearce BD and Williams AG. (2015). Assessing the influence of rotation design on the N, P, K balance of organic cropping systems. Aspects of Applied Biology: Valuing long-term sites and experiments for agriculture and ecology. 128. 157-164. AAB.
- Berry D, and Pearce BD. (2014). The historical relations between intellectual property and plant breeding: A collaboration between the University of Leeds and the Organic Research Centre, Newbury. History and Plant Sciences: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Angers, 8 and 9 December 2014. Université d’Angers, France.
- MacMillan T, and Pearce, B, (2014) Duchy Originals Future Farming Programme – A practical, farmer led approach to innovation. IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014.
- Gerrard CL, Smith J, Nelder R, Bright A, Clements R, and Pearce B. (2014) 100 % Organic feed for poultry – results of feed trials in the UK. In: Rahmann G and Aksoy U (Eds.): Building Organic Bridges. Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference 13-15 Oct. 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. Thuenen Report 20, Braunschweig, Germany. Pages: 1147-1150.
- Smith J, Gerrard CL, Nelder R, Clements R, and Pearce B. (2014) 100% Organic feed for pigs – results of feed trials in the UK. In: Rahmann G and Aksoy U (Eds.): Building Organic Bridges. Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference 13-15 Oct. 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. Thuenen Report 20, Braunschweig, Germany. Pages: 1151-1154
- Smith J, Girling R, Wolfe MS, and Pearce B. (2014) Agroforestry: integrating apple and arable production as an approach to reducing copper use in organic and low-input apple production. In: Agriculture and the Environment X: Delivering Multiple Benefits from our Land: Sustainable Development in Practice, 15-16 Apr 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 278-284.
- Lillywhite RD, Keeling C, Courtney P, Lampkin N, Pearce B, Rayns F, Reed M, Schmutz U, Watson C, and Williams A. (2012). Assessing the economic, environmental and social characteristics of UK farming systems. The 10th European IFSA Symposium. http://www.ifsa2012.dk/downloads/WS6_1/Lillywhite.pdf
- Pearce BD, Gibbon D, Watson CA, Fowler SM and Moore C. (2006). Organic food and farming research needs in the UK: A report on a stakeholder participatory consultation process. European Joint Organic Congress – Organic Farming and European Rural Development. 30/31 May 2006, Odense, Denmark, 430-431. orgprints.org/7412/01/RandD_consultation_process_1.0.doc
Reports and book chapters
- Watson, C. A. and Pearce, B. D. (2019). Exploring the Systems Concept in Contemporary Organic Farming Research. In The Science Beneath Organic Production (eds D. Atkinson and C. A. Watson). doi:10.1002/9781119568988.ch14
- Lampkin NH, Pearce BD, Leake AR, Creissen H, Gerrard CL, Girling R, Lloyd S, Padel S, Smith J, Smith LG, Vieweger A, and Wolfe MS (2015). The role of agroecology in sustainable intensification. Report for the Land Use Policy Group. Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm and Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
- Pearce BD. (2008). GM Farming and Sustainability. In: Sustainable Rural Systems. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Communities. Ed. Guy M Robinson. Pp113-124. Ashgate Publishing Lim