Christian Gossel
Job title:
Academic qualifications:
- BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences (Roehampton University)
- MSc Agroforestry and Food Security (Bangor University)
Role and responsibilities:
I am part of the research team to support the wide range of projects that occur at ORC with a specific focus on farm sustainability. My background in agroforestry lends itself to the work of the EU-wide REFOREST project and development of an Agroforestry Carbon Code. Other aspects of farm sustainability are also being explored through the Re-Livestock project and Defra-supported Test & Trials for Organic Agriculture. Part of my role is also to identify where these projects share goals and how they can build upon each other to maximise their outcomes.
I also sit on the committee for the Farm Woodland Forum
Research projects
Research interests:
My primary interest is in agroforestry, bringing together forestry and agriculture by integrating trees and hedges into the farming landscape. This has been an area of rapid expansion in recent years with increasing support and interest from governments, researchers, and farmers alike. Through work at ORC, such as the Agroforestry and Orchards Pilot study and CPRE Aiming High for Hedgerow project, I have been able to explore what the drivers and barriers are for agroforestry in the UK.
Supporting the creation of a connected, healthy, supportive agricultural landscape is my overarching goal and drives not only my research but also the wider research at ORC.
Interests outside of ORC:
In my spare time I’m a keen gardener and hiker, providing the weather is good! I also read a lot, although mostly non-fiction books covering a range of topics from sustainable agriculture to European history. I follow various motorsports and am a self-confessed cricket badger, although I’m more likely to be playing a video game than a game of cricket.