Kathrin Heimbach
Job title:
Academic qualifications:
- Bsc. In agricultural science with a major in organic agriculture at the University of Hohenheim, Germany
- Msc. In Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security at the Royal Agricultural University
Role and responsibilities:
In my role, I am supporting Rowan Dumper-Pollard in his Market and Business Research team to provide deeper insight into e.g. consumer behaviour, organic markets and the issues along organic value chains. Currently I am working on the organic at the Heart (OATH) as well as the Organic marketing project.
Research interests:
I focused on agroforestry for my bachelor thesis and quickly developed an interest in mixed systems and agroecology, which I lead on with my master thesis about sustainable grazing management. Overall, I am interested in transdisciplinary research that manages to connect results from natural and socio-economic research with practical farming and food production.
Interests outside of ORC:
I love being outdoors as much as I can, and particularly enjoy rock-climbing and hiking in the alps in Bavaria, where I am originally from. Apart from that, I like to read and beat my friends in a round of Backgammon.