Matt Smee
Job title:
Academic qualifications:
- BSc (Hons) International development – University of Chester
Role and responsibilities:
My role at the ORC focuses on the Agricology website and trying to help answer the questions farmers have around adopting more sustainable farming practices. Much of my time is spent engaging with members of our steering committee and partner organisations, trying to search out the best information and practices that need to be shared with our ever-growing community.
Research projects
Research interests:
Cover cropping, intercropping, living mulches, alternative weed management strategies, beneficial insect populations, adoption barriers to agroecological farming practices, soil health & agricultural development.
Interests outside of ORC:
Away from work you’ll find me in a few different places; in the kitchen pouring over cookbooks, climbing hills with my young son, trying to finish the thesis for my MSc or in the garden getting my hands dirty.