Hazel dormouse ecology and conservation

Event Date : May 21, 2014

Training day at Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, RG20 OHR. Wednesday 21st May 2014, 9.30am-4pm

This event is now fully booked, please contact Gillian to be put on the reserve list

The day will be led by Ian White, Dormouse and Training Officer, for the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES). The PTES coordinates the National Dormouse Monitoring Programme.

The day is aimed at ecologists and wildlife enthusiasts/volunteers who would like to find out more about hazel dormouse ecology and conservation. It is being organised as part of the TWECOM local community pilot Woodfuel from Hedgerows project. In autumn 2013 dormouse gnawed hazelnuts were found on two of the hedgerows at Elm Farm. In May 2014 dormouse nest tubes will be set up to continue the surveying. The training day aims to raise awareness about hazel dormice as an example of a protected species.

Join us for presentations in the conference venue in the morning and a tour of some of the hedgerows in the afternoon. There will be plenty of time to ask questions and for discussion throughout the day.

Outline programme

09.30 – 10.00 Arrival and coffee
10.00 – 12.45 Presentations led by Ian White on hazel dormouse ecology, conservation and monitoring, legislation and how to train for a dormouse licence
12.45 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.30 Hedgerow walk at Elm Farm. Site visit to look at habitat and management.
15.30 – 16.00 Questions and close

Booking and registration

On-line booking is available here

Alternatively please download and complete the registration form (30 kb pdf file) and send to Gillian Woodward at ORC.

You can also register over the phone by contacting Gillian Woodward.

Cost £40 (including VAT) per person. Includes tea/coffee. Please bring a packed lunch.

If you are 26 or under, resident in Berkshire and training (student/apprentice) to or starting a career in agriculture, you may qualify for one of our Gordon Palmer Memorial Trust bursaries. Please e-mail Gillian Woodward with details of your address, age and circumstances to check eligibility.

Download the event flyer here (102 kb pdf file).

Please note we are not able to offer the opportunity to monitor dormouse nest boxes/tubes or to handle dormice on this training day.

The Hazel Dormouse Training Day is being supported as part of the TWECOM Managing Hedges for Fuel project, which is supported by European Regional Development Funding through Interreg IVB and the Ashden Trust.


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