Study on the environmental impacts of achieving 25% organic land in the EU by 2030 published

The European Union’s ambitious Farm to Fork Strategy target of 25% organic farmland by 2030 is a clear statement of the recognition of the environmental, social and economic benefits that organic farming can deliver. This new study prepared by Nic Lampkin and Katrin Padel for IFOAM Organics Europe seeks to put numbers on the possible benefits of achieving the 25% target.  

Nic Lampkin writes: “(The Study) shows that achieving the EU 25% organic farming by 2030 target could make a big difference to the environmental impacts of agriculture. It also shows, crucially, that the lower crop yields that contribute to the environmental benefits can potentially be offset fully by reduced livestock numbers, reduced feeding of concentrates, reduced consumption of meat and dairy products and reduced food waste. The food security implications of the target are therefore much lower than has been claimed by many critics of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy. By making farming more sustainable, organic farming also contributes positively to long term food security.”

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