Tag: rotations

diverIMPACTS flyer

The overall goal of DiverIMPACTS is to promote the diversification of cropping systems, with the aim to improve productivity, help deliver ecosystem services, and support

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OSCAR – Optimising Subsidiary Crop Application in Rotations

OSCAR is an EU-funded project that aims to extend the existing knowledge base available on these subsidiary crops and to disseminate this information to growers and producers.

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Nutrient budgeting for rotations, manures and mineral fertilisers

Presentation at 7th Organic Producers’ Conference: Making producer-led innovation a reality

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Technical leaflet 6: A guide to nutrient budgeting on organic farms

Provides an introduction to Nutrient Budgeting to aid nutrient and crop planning on organic farms. It includes information on the principles of nutrient management and details of nutrient contents of crops, stock, manure and fertilizer for use in calculating nutrient budgets.

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Technical leaflet 8: Managing phosphorus dynamics in organic rotations

Published as part of the Defra funded P-Link project led by the Scottish Agricultural College.

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Nutrient budgets for organic farming

This review identifies the research done on nutrient budgeting and presents the latest input and output data for use in nutrient budgeting on farm to support rotation and soil management decision making. It includes a guide to nutrient budgeting on organic farms.

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