Tag: woodfuel

Elm Farm: Planning and developing agroforestry at a farm scale

Woodland Trust Research Briefing

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Hedgerow harvesting in Flanders. Our experiences

A 2015 presentation
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Experiences from the ORC’s Machinery Trials

Machinery Trials Elm Farm December 2014 & Wakelyns February 2015

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Hedges for fuel: The South West experience

A presentation from Rob Wolton - April 2015
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Community woodfuel agreements: how community groups can help manage hedges for fuel

Presentation at 8th Organic producers’ Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification – which way forward for organic farming?

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Woolhope Woodheat Co-op - a new model for community woodfuel

Presentation at 8th Organic producers’ Conference: Intensive sustainability or sustainable intensification – which way forward for organic farming?

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