Organic Blackgrass control field lab – the answer is in the room

Looking at the characteristics of different cereal crops and their effect on black grass populations. From the initial Duchy Originals Future Farming Programme’s Field Lab meeting on 11th June 2013 we agreed to select one field at high blackgrass risk, a cereal crop after beans in a non-plough situation. In that field we were to sow a strip of every cereal crop to be grown on the farm for harvest 2014. The crops that have been sown are: winter wheat, winter barley, spelt wheat, winter triticale and an ORC Population. Assessments of weed levels are to be made by participants at the planned meetings through the course of next season. Three further meetings are planned for: winter – after winter crop establishment, spring – possibly around growth stage 32 and summer to look at yield – for final assessment.


Theme: crop diversity
Published: 22nd January 2014
Author: John Pawsey