Cultivating diversity and food quality

Event Date : April 11, 2018

DIVERSIFOOD forum with policy makers and stakeholders
Hosted by the European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 101, 1040 Brussels

How to better embed crop diversity for resilient sustainable food systems?

To deal with this issue, the Diversifood team has organised a forum for policy makers and stakeholders. Diversifood results and key lessons will be shared, such as new approaches for cultivated biodiversity management, for plant breeding for sustainable farming systems, and new relationships among actors of the food systems. In the afternoon there will be time for discussion, to share knowledge, collect feedback and to further develop current policies for cultivating diversity and food quality (for FP9, CAP 2020…). The outputs of this workshop will feed into the final recommendations of Diversifood.

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