Team profile

Lisa Arguile

Job title:

Sustainability Researcher
No longer works at ORC

Academic qualifications:

  • BSc (Hons) Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology (University of Plymouth)

Role and responsibilities:

My main role currently focuses on the development and application of ORC’s Public Goods (PG) Tool. I am involved in the Environmental Land Management Scheme Test and Trial project, that is assessing the capacity of the PG Tool to measure and monitor the delivery of public goods on farm and at a landscape level.

Previously I worked on the EU horizon 2020 funded project ‘Innovation for sustainable sheep and goat production in Europe’ (iSAGE). My main role was in the analysis of the results from sustainability assessments completed across Europe, using the PG Tool, identifying current strengths and weaknesses within the industry to support future policy recommendations.

Additionally, I have also worked on a number of iSAGE innovation case studies considering farmers’ perceptions of sustainability training, and the Flock Health Club initiative, alongside analysing field data connected to the role herbal leys play in sustainable sheep production.

Read our ‘ten minutes with’ interview with Lisa Arguile here to find out more about what her and her team are working on at the moment, as well as finding out what inspired her to pursue a career in organic research.

Research interests:

I am interested in facilitating improvements in the sustainability of both systems and industry, particularly with consideration to changing climates, to be achieved through monitoring and the development of protocols that take a holistic approach to sustainability.

Much of my interest is underpinned by a desire to understand how we can use ecological interactions to beneficially support the conservation and management of habitats and ecosystems for the future.

I also love any opportunity that allows me to be hands on collecting field data or interacting with farmers to disseminate our research outputs.



  • Paraskevopoulou, C., Theodoridis, A., Johnson, M., Ragkos, A., Arguile, L., Smith, L., Vlachos, D. and Arsenos, G., 2020. Sustainability Assessment of Goat and Sheep Farms: A Comparison between European Countries. Sustainability, 12(8), p.3099. Available at:


+44 (0)1488 646 258
(Ext : 6258)

Currently on placement with University of Reading.