All change please
We are living in a changing world. Organic farmers, along with all farmers across the globe, are operating within a new order of global warming and apparent food shortage.
For some time the apparent “killer question” to organic farmers, researchers and enthusiasts has been: can organic farming feed the world? We now need to turn such interrogation on its head and ask – for how long can “conventional” agriculture with its greed for oil, water and soil feed anyone?
Organic agriculture is the only option left in our looming energy crisis, when oil becomes too expensive and scarce for farming use. As the saying goes, the Stone Age didn’t end when we ran out of stones, rather new developments and new directions took over.
In the meantime our new World order is causing particular difficulties for properly engaged UK organic producers. Amongst consumers, feelings of diminishing affluence, post credit crunch, have to be factored in to a market where middle class spare cash may well be in short supply. It will be interesting to see what priority our society attaches to healthy food and environment care under this new economic construct.
Posted in EFRC, News and events