Alternative weed control – Oper8 National Workshop

Event Date : November 28, 2023

Event Time : 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Event Location : 1 Samson Place, London Road, Hampton, Peterborough, PE7 8QJ

As part of the EU-funded Oper8 project ADAS and The Organic Research Centre will be hosting a workshop to evaluate a set of alternative weed control solutions that have been prioritised for arable and field vegetable production.

The aim of the workshop is for participants to evaluate aspects of different non-chemical weeding methods for their technical feasibility, socio-economic viability, and environmental aspects.  This feedback will ultimately lead to the development of best practice for weed control for major cropping sectors in the UK.

The workshop runs from 10am – 3pm, with lunch provided. It will be very interactive and will require discussion and debate to score a range of criteria that the team will share with you.  We look forward to a lively discussion! 

To book email Kevin Godfrey ( to confirm if you are able to attend, or if you have any questions about the event.


9:45 Arrive

10:00am Introductions & outline for the day

10:30 Morning session – Evaluating alternative weed control solutions (arable & horticultural)

12:00pm Lunch

1pm Afternoon session – Evaluating alternative weed control solutions (arable & horticultural)

2:30pm Summary of feedback and next steps

3:00pm Ends


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