Homoeopathy at Wellie Level courses

Homoeopathy at Wellie Level (HAWL) are a small not-for-profit organisation teaching farmers and smallholders the responsible use of homeopathy on their animals, empowering them to treat their own animals.  

Ayrshire cattle at Duchy Home farm

HAWL have announced new in-person course dates for 2024

“We have been running for over 22 years, and taught over 700 farmers and smallholders.  The feedback from those who have taken the course has been that they have been able to reduce their vet bills, reduce antibiotic use, and their animals are generally healthier and less susceptible to disease in the first instance.  Of course, there is always the need for the vet, but our students have found that having the homeopathy knowledge and practical use that we teach them has added to their animal management plans.” 

Jane Lyons, HAWL

In-person course. Starting 6th March 2024 and will be held in Tetbury, England. Cost is £299. 3 x full-day sessions over 6 weeks.


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