Glastir Organic scheme opens in Wales

Organic farmers in Wales can apply for financial support from the Welsh Government from the 1 October as part of the first application round of Glastir Organic.

Glastir Organic will provide organic farmers and producers with financial support in recognition of the environmental services they provide to Wales. Support will be made available both to existing organic producers to carry on farming organically and to those converting land from conventional farming practices to organic.

Glastir Organic has been developed as an online application as part of the Welsh Government’s commitment towards a digital Wales. There will be support available for farmers that need help in making the transition to online services. Farmers joining Glastir Organic can also participate in other parts of the Glastir scheme.

Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans said: “Glastir Organic is the first support package under the new Rural Development Plan for Wales. The application process will be open from 1 October until 29 October for contracts starting on 1 January 2015.The Welsh Government has been leading the way in supporting the organic sector in the UK. We were the first to offer an extension to bridge support from the previous Rural Development Plan and we are now the first to commit to providing support in 2015. I hope the new scheme signals our commitment to the principles of organic farming as an important part of our wider strategy for agriculture.”

See Glastir and Cymru Organig

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