The STOAS project (“Sustainability Training for Organic Advisers”) has involved organic farm advisers and teachers from seven European countries in developing the concept and use of sustainability assessment tools and providing curricula for training workshops.
Farm advisers have a prominent role to play in further increasing the sustainability of organic farming. By helping farmers to come to grips with sustainability goals and their own objectives, they can motivate farmers to go beyond the minimum organic criteria. In a session at Biofach (room Nizza, NCC-Mitte, BioFach 2014 10-11am) on Saturday 15th February, senior farm advisers; Mark Measures, (Organic Research Centre), Matthias Stolze (FiBL) and Stephanie Fischinger (Bioland) will present a number of tools for sustainability assessment in organic farming and provide guidance for the implementation of these tools in your own organisation. The session draws on the experience of the STOAS project,during which assessment tools were tested at diverse farms across Europe. The project ran from 2012 to 2013 and was funded by the Leonardo da Vinci programme of the European Commission.
More information in the STOAS newsletter