Tell us what you think. Enter to win!

Agricology has been awarded a Defra ELM Test in partnership with the University of Reading to research how effective videos and podcasts are as tools to learn about farming practices. As part of this study we are conducting a survey for farmers to understand their preferences and experiences of using these tools.

We are looking for farmers to complete the survey which will run from August through to October. The prizes for completing are three Amazon vouchers of a value of Ł100, Ł75 and Ł50.

We are really keen to hear from farmers across England and from different farming enterprises, so we would like a range of farms represented; from arable to upland/lowland livestock, to dairy, to horticulture, to pigs/poultry…

It would be great if you could also share with any farmers you know who you don’t think would watch videos or listen to podcasts as Defra are keen to hear their thoughts too… We know that an online survey might not be the best way to reach them. If you have any suggestions of farmers to contact who you think may not use these forms of communication, please email David Rose and we will follow up with them via a phone interview.

Please follow this link to the survey:

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