The A Team Challenge

2nd Annual A-Team Challenge offers funding opportunity to food or farming project

Do you have a food or farming project that needs a funding boost to start up or scale up? Would you like the opportunity not only to raise the funds you need but also to gain experience of crowdfunding, access expert business advice, and grow the crowd of supporters around your project? If so, ‘The A Team Challenge’ could be just for you!

This year the Challenge seeks to provide 7-10 projects with matched funding of between £2,000 to £6,000 per project with funding coming from The A Team Foundation. Once again, Funding Enlightened Agriculture and Buzzbnk will provide support and advice in creating a realistic financing plan and crowdfunding education and support. The deadline for applications is Midnight, GMT, Friday 7th November, 2014.

More about the Challenge can be found here

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