In-field trees
Woodland Trust factsheet on in-field trees produced with the help of Lindsay Whistance
Alley planting
Woodland Trust factsheet on alley planting produced with the help of Lindsay Whistance
Woodland Trust factsheet on shelterbelts produced with the help of Lindsay Whistance
Wakelyns Agroforestry: Resilience through diversity
Updated review of the research and evidence gathered at Wakelyns where the late Prof. Martin Wolfe put his theories into practice
ORC at the Northern Real Farming Conference – agroforestry
How can agroforestry contribute towards climate change mitigation? Discussion hosted by the Organic Research Centre
Agroforestry in the Uplands
The Soil Association have just released a new short film Agroforestry in the Uplands which focuses on why trees and hedgerows on upland farms are good for livestock, the environment, biodiversity, soil health and the bottom line.
How trees can increase livestock’s welfare and productivity
ORC’s Senior Livestock Researcher Lindsay Whistance features on a fascinating recent Regenerative Agroforestry Podcast.
Managing understoreys in agroforestry to promote natural enemies
New paper on managing understoreys in agroforestry to promote natural enemies
Preparing the Evidence Base for Post-Brexit agriculture in Scotland – Case studies on alternative payments
Using case studies, this study makes a comparison of current agricultural support with alternative proposals for rewarding farmers for the delivery of environmental public goods.
Moving towards the production of more agroecological proteins for animal feedstuffs
ORC’s Lindsay Whistance presented in this OK-NET EcoFeed workshop on day two.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Crop Diversification
First European Conference on crop diverisifcation
Elm Farm: Planning and developing agroforestry at a farm scale
Woodland Trust Research Briefing
Tree: crop interactions in UK alleycropping agroforestry systems: impactson crop yield and total productivity
Woodland Trust Research Briefing
Tree leaves as supplementary feed for ruminant livestock
Woodland Trust Research Briefing
The Agroforestry Handbook
Written for farmers and advisors this book will help you assess the potential business benefits of agroforestry for your farm or client and to understand the possible benefits to the wider environment. The authors, (including ORC’s Jo Smith, Sally Westaway and Lindsay Whistance) are leading researchers and practitioners with decades of experience in agroforestry from the UK and around the world.
Coping strategies for livestock farmers under climate change
Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018
Lush Farm: A Case Study - soap and sustainability
Presentation at UK Organic Congress 2018
Nut trees, nursery work and tree tenancies
Presentation at UK Organic Congress 2018
A coppiced Hedge – Is it economically viable to take selected hedges from annual flailing to a 15/20 year coppice rotation?
Presentation at UK Organic Congress 2018
New Opportunities in Agroforestry - Nut Production
Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018
New Opportunities in Agroforestry - Coppicing Hedgerows
Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018
Agroforestry in England: Benefits, barriers and opportunities
The Soil Association and Woodland Trust, together with a number of other organisations including ORC and the Farm Woodland Forum, have compiled an Agroforestry in England: Benefits, barriers and opportunities briefing.