Tag: poultry

Rotational grazing for organic pregnant sows to replace protein components (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)

Rotational grazing for organic pregnant sows to replace protein components (OK-Net Ecofeed Video)

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Whey for fattening organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

Whey for fattening organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

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Brewer’s yeast for organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

Brewer’s yeast for organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

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Feeding organic laying hens with insects (OK-Net EcoFeed Video)

Feeding organic laying hens with insects (OK-Net EcoFeed Video)

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Focus on the amino acid content of energy feedstuff components (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

Focus on the amino acid content of energy feedstuff components (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

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Recommendations for using soy-based feedstuffs for poultry production (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

Recommendations for using soy-based feedstuffs for poultry production (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)

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An introduction to the ICOPP project – improved contribution of local feed to support 100% organic feed supply to pigs/poultry

Presentation at 7th Organic Producers’ Conference: Making producer-led innovation a reality

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The EU expert group’s report and recommendations on poultry standards

Presentation at 7th Organic Producers’ Conference: Making producer-led innovation a reality

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Organic poultry nutrition and rations

The scope of the review is to consider recent sources of information relating to the feeding of organic laying hens, broilers and turkeys. In particular it reviews all the research commissioned by Defra together with other UK and European work and collates the results of that work in the light of commercial experience, providing advisers with a summary of the key recommendations.

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Poultry management

This review of the research into organic poultry management focuses on breeding, rearing, housing, health and disease, medication and to a lesser extent nutrition which is covered in another Review. The results are analysed and practical recommendations made for the development of organic poultry systems and their management.

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