

The UK Agroforestry Network workshops

Jan/Feb 2018 agroforestry workshop summaries

Response to Defra consultation - Health and Harmony: The Future of Food, Farming and the Environment in a Green Brexit

The EOF welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the debate about the future of agricultural and environmental policy in England and the UK. The organic sector supports Defra’s ambition for a policy that delivers the highest standards, one where the delivery of environmental, health and other public goods is very much centre stage, closely integrated with sustainable food production.

Agroforestry for growers

Workshop report: 19th September 2017 – Tolhurst Organics, Whitchurch on Thames, Berkshire

Tree fodder: food for thought?

Does tree fodder have a role to play in today’s livestock farming in the UK?

Tree to Heat: Making the most of on-farm woody resources

A workshop based around the journey from ‘Tree to Heat’ was held at Wakelyns Agroforestry in January 2017.

Implementation Action Plan for organic food and farming research

By Susanne Padel et al (2010) addresses how to approach, carry out and follow up the research proposed for the best possible effect and completes the trilogy of key documents. It also takes the first steps towards outlining how organic sector research can contribute to Europe’s progress during the period of the EC’s 8th Framework Programme.

GM Foods: The Answer? Or Just Empty Promises?

In the year 2050 the world population is expected to reach 9 billion and we would not have enough food anymore if the world food production still goes the way it is going now. GM advocates claim to have the solution for this, manipulate the genes of a crop, increase it’s productivity, and the problem is solved, the world is at peace, case closed. GM also promised other benefits…