GMOs and gene editing in agriculture: the benefits of regulation

Event Date : February 10, 2021

Event Time : 9:00 am - 11:15 am

How does organic & non-organic food and farming avoid contamination with GMOs? Why is it so relevant for food production that GMOs are regulated? Which disruptions can be expected from gene editing and new genetic engineering in general? 

These are the questions and topics that will be discussed in an IFOAM Organics Europe webinar on 10 February from 9:00-11:15 GMT.
Register on time to secure your spot! 

Discussing new genetic engineering techniques: politically timely 

With the study of the European Commission on practical aspects surrounding the application of the European Court of Justice ruling on ‘New Genomic Techniques’ expected for spring 2021, the topic is again high on the agenda of EU policymakers. At our event, we will showcase the benefits and necessity of the EU GMO Regulation for food & farming, including organic.  

Upcoming genetic engineering techniques such as gene editing, require Europe to combine old and new strategies to protect its environment and biodiversity and enable organic and conventional non-GMO farming as well as consumer freedom of choice. 

This event will present practical strategies of the organic  sector to ensure maintenance of its high standards in every part of the food chain. It will also give an outlook on how the EU can continue to maintain transparency in certified organic and non-organic farming and food production and how regulation plays an essential role in this. 

The discussions in the event are particularly relevant for organic and non-organic farmers, processors, retailers as well as stakeholders affected by EU agriculture biotechnology policy & regulation. 


  • Part 1: Smart practices, 9:00-9:35: Presentation of practical strategies of the organic and conventional sectors and how regulation has played and will play an essential role in this.  
  • Part 2: Panel discussion, 9:45-11:15: Discussion on the status quo of the EU GMO Regulation, future scenarios of its implementation in the light of novel products and its relevance to trade, retail and different production systems, including organic farming. 

Registration is open now and is for everyone. Interpretation from French to English will be provided.

See also: Consultation on future of gene editing launched by Environment Secretary at Oxford Farming Conference


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