Research Summaries
Wakelyns Agroforestry: Resilience through diversity
Updated review of the research and evidence gathered at Wakelyns where the late Prof. Martin Wolfe put his theories into practice
The Organic Principles - Research Digest
The foundation of ORC’s work and the organic movement
Sustainable organic and low-input dairying - Research Digest
Results from the SOLID project
Using woodchip to build soil health- Research Digest
Sustainable application and economics
ORC led initiatives - Research Digest
Organic Arable, Organic Seed Producers, OMSCo, OGA, Organic Resource Agency
Sageguard: the farmer's decision maker- Research Digest
From a generic concept to a target-oriented design
The silvopastoral trial at Elm Farm - Research Digest
Agroforestry for integrated livestock and bioenergy production
Land Equivalent Ratio modelling at Wakelyns - Research Digest
More yield from the same space through intercropping
Agroforests as habitat - Research Digest
The importance of agroforestry for biodiversity
The development and application of ORC’s Public Goods Tool over the years- Research Digest
Assessing public good delivery and sustainability on farm
The financial performance of organic farms in England and Wales - Factsheet
Outcomes from Farm Business Survey data
Environmental performance and animal welfare in organic poultry production - Research Digest
Creation and study of a silvopoultry system
Measuring and monitoring soil health- Research Digest
Practical advice for soil husbandry
Health in organic farming systems - Factsheet
Intuition and other soft skills crucial for translating organic principles into practice
From field to fork - Research Digest
Multidisciplinary research along the whole food chain
Ensuring research relevance through participation – Research Digest
Participatory research: whatever you think, think again
Fertility building leys for crop production- Research Digest
Using legume-based mixtures to enhance nitrogen use efficiency
The Public Goods Tool - Factsheet
Assessing the sustainability of sheep and goat production in Europe
Organic vegetable transplant production - Research Digest
Meeting the industries needs: from substrate to spacing
Wheat breeding assessed for organics – Research Digest
An experiment with different tillage systems