

Trends in Organic Gardening

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

Coping strategies for livestock farmers under climate change

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

Observing Health in Soil, Crops & Animals – Panel Q & A

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

Observing Health in Soil, Crops and Animals – Soil Health

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

Organic Congress 2018 Closing Plenary

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

New Opportunities in Agroforestry - Nut Production

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

New Opportunities in Agroforestry - Coppicing Hedgerows

Agricology video from The UK Organic Congress 2018

The development of the sustainFARM farmerdecision support tool

Laurence Smith, Senior Sustainability Researcher, from the Organic Research Centre explains the work he is doing on developing a new Decision Support Tool for farmers.

Modelling agroforestry – a field of knowledge interview

In this field of knowledge interview, João HN Palma from the School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon takes time away from his computer to explain the role of modelling in agroforestry.