New technical guide on dock control

Dock Control

The guide lists the causes for the spread of the dock, suggests solutions for the restoration of infested farmland and presents the latest innovations in dock control

The two main dock species broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) and curly dock (Rumex crispus L.) are a problem for many organic farms in most areas. Although docks are not specifically an
‘organic’ problem, management on organic farms without recourse to herbicides can be particularly challenging. To date, there is no ‘magic bullet’ for the solution of the dock problem on organic farms. The most promising approach therefore is a combination of several measures.

The strategy presented in this technical guide builds on measures to prevent the (further ) establishment of dock plants. Depending on the level of dock infestation, different techniques are recommended for removing and suppressing established docks. Only by dealing with the causes of dock proliferation can the reproductive cycle be broken and long-term control be achieved.

This booklet results from the Organic Knowledge Network Arable project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union.

The booklet was produced by FiBL and the English version was adapted by ORC.

Download Dock control: Combining the best methods for successful control

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