Biotic stress and yield stability in English organic silvoarable agroforestry
New paper from Agromix project suggests that silvoarable researchers should be focusing on how trees impact plant pathogen dynamics
Agroforestry experts needed: Climate Change Resilience in Agroforestry Systems
AGROMIX project survey. Agroforestry experts needed to gather insights on climate change resilience in agroforestry systems.
Supply Chain Perspectives on Breeding for Legume–Cereal Intercrops
The widespread adoption of intercroping will only succeed through the collaboration of all supply chain actors, breeding approaches that take into account the complexity of the supply chains, and implementation of diversification strategies in every process from field to fork.
Overcoming barriers to crop diversification uptake in Europe: A mini review
Review shows that addressing barriers to crop diversification by farmers requires a simultaneous and coordinated approach.
New Horizon Europe project focusing on the expansion of agroforestry
ReForest has launched! Agroforestry at the forefront of farming sustainability in multifunctional landscapes in Europe – a 4-year Horizon Europe project, bringing together 14 institutions from 10 European countries with extensive expertise in this field.
Including diverse leys in arable rotations
Assessing the multidimensional elements of sustainability in European agroforestry systems
LIVESEED project comes to an end after 52 months
Boosting hedgerows by 40% would create 25,000 jobs, new ORC research for CPRE reveals
New paper on farm network field-scale, cultivar evaluation of organic wheat
Agroforestry for the transition towards sustainability and bioeconomy
Organic Agriculture at the Heart of Agroecological Transition - call for submissions
A clear option space for expanding organic agriculture despite nitrogen limits - new INRAE led study
Ten minutes with Lisa Arguile
InfoHub on intercropping launched
Making hedgerows pay their way: the economics of harvesting field boundary hedges for bioenergy
Measuring the Economic Performance of Small Ruminant Farms Using Balanced Scorecard and Importance-Performance Analysis: A European Case Study
European Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Red Meat Labelling Attributes
Benefits and challenges of herbal or diverse leys
Opportunities for farmer involvement
The importance of our local sheep breeds
How do we encourage people to value heritage breeds?
Living mulches: The holy grail of no till?
Field lab featured on BBC Farming Today
Farming for nature pays off for organic Wimpole
Nature and soil health are flourishing at the National Trust’s organic farm
Farmer and growers - what soil inputs do you use?
Survey as part of the Woodchip for fertile soils project