Agroforestry Policy Brief

How can agroforestry contribute towards biodiversity conservation?

The Policy Brief, written by Colin Tosh, is based on evidence presented in, and feedback to the online workshop held 20/10/2021. The key findings were:

  1. Agroforestry increases farmland biodiversity. In UK arable agroforestry, ensuring a flowering tree understory improves pollination and pest management services.
  2. Agroforestry on already biodiverse farmland should be done with care. A species inventory should be taken and interventions should specify targets for enhancement.
  3. Advice and guidance, including support from professional ecologists, should be taken throughout agrofrestry projects. This is especially important in high diversity farmland.
  4. Agroforestry can contribute to various policy targets and areas including, for example, the UK Agriculture Act 2020, UK Environment Bill and England Tree Strategy.
  5. Policy support for agroforestry can include intiatives beyond Countryside Stewardship / Environmental Land Management, for example current or future funding schemes within: Local Nature Recovery strategies, national/local climate change targets, and the Clean Air Strategy.

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