How can agroforestry contribute towards biodiversity conservation?

How can agroforestry contribute to the achievement of future targets and what policy environment can support it? We explored this question in a recent webinar (October 20th) with a panel representing the latest research, on-farm experience, and policy developments, followed by an open discussion for all attendees to input on issues and shape the development of a policy guide on the subject. This event was organised as part of the Farming the Future programme, supported by the A-TeamFoundation, with the Soil Association, Landworkers’ Alliance and the Farm Woodland Forum.

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0:00 Chair: Colin Tosh (ORC) Welcome and introduction.

14:00 Tom Staton – Researcher at the University of Reading Biodiversity and agroforestry: Pests, natural enemies and pollinators.

31:45 Carolyn Richards -Devon-based farmer. Agroforestry and Biodiversity. Carolyn reflects on her experiences of developing silvopasture with a view to better managing her herd and enhancing biodiversity.

52:45 Helen Chesshire – Senior Farming Advisor for the Woodland Trust. How can UK policy help agroforestry achieve biodiversity goals?

1hr:15 Break.

1hr:26 Discussion

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