Organic Innovation Days

TP Organics call for innovations in the organic sector. Put your organic innovation in the spotlight!

TP Organics launches a call challenging farmers, researchers and companies to propose innovative solutions to one of the following needs of the organic sector:

  1. Innovative technologies for pest management in organic cropping systems
  2. New organic food processing concepts and technologies
  3. New business models of value addition at the local level

These are three priority topics identified by the TP Organics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
Last day for submission is 6 September. Send your innovation to with the subject: “Innovation submission”. You will find the full description of the themes and the template for the submission
here. The proposer of the selected innovation will be invited to present it at the Organic Innovation Days on 1-2 December in Brussels.
A lump sum will be provided to cover travel costs. All innovations submitted will be promoted through the website of TP Organics.

One of the main aims of the Organic Innovation Days will be to demonstrate the innovation potential of the organic food and farming sector. The event also intends to explore opportunities and potential risks of innovations developed outside the organic sector, such as bio-plastics, Internet-of-Things, proteins derived from insects or algae, and the recycling of urban and human waste. Should these innovations be taken-up by the organic sector and under what conditions?

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