Acronym : DIVERSify
Contract Period : 01/04/2017 - 31/03/2021
Project Webpage :
Main Funder : EU Horizon 2020
ORC Staff Contact : Bruce Pearce
The Horizon 2020-funded DIVERSify project aims to optimise the performance of crop species mixtures (‘plant teams’) as a means to improve yield stability, reduce pest and disease damage, and enhance stress resilience in agricultural systems.
DIVERSify Kick Off Meeting from Taskscape Associates Ltd on Vimeo.
Read article in ORC Bulletin No.125 (Summer 2018) by Charlotte Bickler and Katie BlissDiversity from field to fork
The project is coordinated by the James Hutton Institute (Alison Karley and Adrian Newton). The consortium comprises 23 EU and international beneficiary partners, including research institutes, Universities, commercial and not-for-profit organisations who contribute expertise in science, stakeholder liaison and applied research and technology transfer. The beneficiaries are located across European pedo-climatic zones and growing conditions, extended by a team of international research institute partners.
Brooker RW, Pakeman RJ, Adam E. Banfield-Zanin JA, Bertelsen I, Bickler C, Fog-Petersen J, George D, Newton AC, Rubiales D, Tavoletti S, Villegas-Fernandez AM, Karley AJ (2024) Positive effects of intercrop yields in farms from across Europe depend on rainfall, crop composition, and management. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 44, 35.
Karley A, Banfield-Zadin J, Bickler C, Bliss K, Brooker R, Iannetta P, Midmer A, Mitchell C, Newton A, Pakeman R, Pearce B, Tippin L, George D (2019) Knowledge Exchange in ‘Plant Team’ Cropping with On-Farm Participatory Research. In First European Conference on Crop Diversification. September 18-21, 2019 Budapest. Book of abstracts. 56-57.
Tippin L, Banfield-Zanin J, Midmer A, Bickler C, Manfield A, Karley A, George D, Pearce B (2019) The perceived or realised practical restrictions imposed by Plant Teams. In First European Conference on Crop Diversification. September 18-21, 2019 Budapest. Book of abstracts. 284-286.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under agreement No. 727284.