EURAF 2022: 6th European Agroforestry Conference

Field excursion to study silvopastoral systems, hosted by the LIVINGAGRO project

ORC was represented at the European Agroforestry Conference (EURAF 2022), which took place in Nuoro, Sardinia from 16-20th May 2022.  This was the sixth such conference of the European Agroforestry Association for which Jo Smith, former ORC pioneering agroforestry researcher, was a founding member. ORC’s Head of Research Will Simonson presented a paper from the AGROMIX Horizon 2020 project illustrating an approach to measuring farm-level resilience using Wakelyns Agroforestry and presenting a framework for building resilience thinking into the design of agroforestry systems (p109 of abstracts). A number of other AGROMIX project partners were present which created invaluable times to get to know each other better and have project discussions. Read: !nnovations for the Upscaling of Agroforestry – AGROMIX at EURAF 2022

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In the meantime, ORC’s Organic Business & Markets Researcher Rowan Dumper-Pollard was a co-author of two poster presentations from the FOODLEVERS project (p236 and 359 of abstracts).

A field excursion on the middle day of the conference to a cork and sheep cheese producing silvo-pastoral farm was hosted by the LIVINGAGRO project which has adopted the Living Landscapes approach across its Mediterranean study area. Living landscapes will be at the heart of ORC’s involvement in the new agroforestry Horizon Europe project REFOREST so exposure to this approach was helpful as we plan this work ahead.

Cork oak silvopasture in Sardinia

Download EURAF2022 Book of Abstracts

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