An introduction to the Agroecology Research Collaboration
Join this webinar to learn about the work of the Agroecology Research Collaboration, find out how they are building stronger links between farmers and researchers, and how you can get involved!
Farmers’ and growers’ priorities for agricultural research and innovation
Join the Agroecology Research Collaboration for this online workshop to ensure the priorities of agroecological farmers and growers are taken seriously by the research community.
A new era for organic research
New ORC podcast to celebrate 40 years of organic research
ORC begins collaboration with the Royal Agricultural University (RAU)
The Royal Agricultural University (RAU) has agreed a collaborative partnership with the Organic Research Centre in Cirencester (ORC) to expand industry links and research and teaching opportunities.
SOLIBAM Sustainability Assessment meeting
Sustainability tools can identify areas for on-farm improvement
Organic farming and carbon
OCW has published a report of current evidence concerning the effects of organic farming on soil carbon sequestration.
UK Workshop on Certification Issues
ORC to host workshop on results of European certification project
Research Project- WheatLINK
A project summary of the Defra LINK funded project WheatLINK
R&D priorities final report appenices
OF0350 appendix to final report