Organic Farm Incomes in England and Wales
Analysis of financial performance of organic farming in terms of profitablity and enterprise persformance relative to previous years and in comparison to conventional based on the FBS/Defra Data Archive for 2009/10
The Potential for Extending Economic Farm-Level Benchmarking to Environmental and Other Aspects of Farm Performance
Desk study exploring the potential to extend farm-level financial and technical benchmarking to cover the areas of energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, animal welfare and agri-environment and management practices.
Can agroforestry reconcile conflicting demands for productivity, biodiversity conservation and delivery of ecosystem services?
This PhD aims: (i) to identify which goods and services agroforestry systems can deliver, (ii) to quantify the values of these services (ecologically and economically), and (iii) to inform the process of how policy can support these activities.
OCIS Public Goods Tool
The OCIS public goods project produced a tool which is designed to provide a simple, measurable and accessible way to show the ‘Public Goods’ that accrue through organic farming systems and the addition of an OELS agreement.
Eco-Agroforestry Network
The Eco-Agroforestry Network aims to bring the sustainable agroforestry approach into the mainstream of UK food, fuel, timber, and fibre production, through research, dissemination, and policy change.
Impacts of organic silvoarable systems on pest and disease distribution – Sheepdrove Organic Farm, Berkshire
MSc research project investigating the distribution of pests and diseases, and microclimatic differences, within a silvoarable system and arable control system.
A review of temperate agroforestry research literature
A comprehensive review of research activities in temperate agroforestry systems was carried out to provide a basis for identifying the potential of agroforestry as a land use system that balances productivity with environmental protection.
Potato virus Y: epidemiology, control and virus-host interactions
The project conducts a monitoring programme for Potato virus Y and its vectors in Northern Finland in order to design viable virus control options for seed potato production.
Using legume-based mixtures to enhance the nitrogen use efficiency and economic viability of cropping systems.
The three year collaborative project aims to improve soil fertility building in leys by developing targeted species mixtures of green manures, in particular nitrogen-fixing legumes.
Economics Analysis of Certification Systems in Organic Food and Farming
The main project objective is to generate research based knowledge on how to improve the organic food certification system in terms of efficiency, transparency and cost effectiveness.